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OK-VISE® is a well-recognized international trademark, best known as an original inventor and manufacturer of the wedge-operated Low-profile Clamps. Today OK-VISE® Fixturing Concept includes several systems, which enable customers to build fixturing with ease never previously experienced.

OK-VISE® products are used in workholding, especially in fixtures used in machining centers and milling machines. With OK-VISE components a variety of workpiece types, sizes and materials can be securely held on all possible workholding platforms.

The OK-VISE® Story

In the early 1980s Finnish entrepreneur and inventor Olli Kytölä (“OK”) bought his first NC machining centers. Soon he became frustrated with the large size and small clamping force of machine vises and other workholding systems then available on the market for his brand new machines.

Once, when hanging laundry at home, he started thinking whether some sort of device similar to the screw anchor he used for attaching the clothes line to the brick wall could also be used in fixturing. His main goal was to achieve a high and accurate clamping force with a small device. The rest, as they say, is history – OK-VISE low-profile clamps had been born.

Today their products are available through a global distribution network. As a result of constant product development and dedicated customer service, their name stands for quality in every respect and OK-VISE® has become a recognized registered trademark around the globe.

OK-VISE® Workholding Clamps and Accessories

OK-VISE® Low-Profile clamps

Small in Size – Giant in Performance
Olli Kytölä’s original invention is still the core of our product range. This unique workholding solution is designed to meet the demands of the modern metalworking, plastics, aerospace and electronics industries.

OK-VISE® Generic Purpose System

OK-VISE®-Fixturing Concept
OK-VISE’s GENERIC PURPOSE workholding system adapts easily to various workpiece sizes, and the components of these systems can be reused and reconfigured easily for a variety of applications and workpieces.

OK-VISE® Dedicated Fixturing

OK-VISE®-Fixturing Concept
OK-VISE’s Blank system is a system for building DEDICATED FIXTURING. Normally only one setup of one workpiece can be clamped with these fixtures. This is typical in high-volume production or when special optimization of the fixture is needed.

OK-VISE® Method of Automated Clamping

As the original inventor of the wedge-operated low-profile clamp, OK-VISE has introduced hydraulic actuators that are optimized to utilize the well-known properties of the OK-VISE clamp: extreme clamping force in a small space combined with the accuracy of the clamping force. As an integral part of the OK-VISE Fixturing Concept, hydraulic actuators can be used to build truly modular fixtures.Hydraulic clamping can used in combination with

  • Automated or manual workpiece loading
  • Vertical or horizontal machining centers and 5-axis machines
  • Live systems (continuous pressure supply) or decoupled system

OK-VISE is continuously developing new automated modules for robotic loading, and also for manually operated systems where automation saves operator’s loading time and improves ergonomics.

OK-VISE® Low-Profile clamps

Clamps with Smooth Jaws

When no marks on the workpieces are permitted, smooth jaws are employed.

BK2-VT-S is an analogue of BK2-VT, with the same key features and measurements, except that it comes with the smooth jaws.

The DK2-VT-S is an analogue of DK2-VT, with the same key features and measurements, except that it comes with the smooth jaws. The inch model code is DK2-VTI-S.

The FK2-VT-S is an analogue of FK2-VT, with the same key features and measurements, except that it comes with the smooth jaws.

Clamps with Serrated Jaws

A general-purpose clamp for your workshop. Serration creates high friction, which ensures reliable clamping in any circumstances.

Thanks to their small size, these lightweight clamps are easy to lift and install. Moving them from one application platform or machine to another is hassle-free. High accuracy is achieved by grinding all the moving surfaces of the clamping unit to a precise angle. Strict quality control is performed on each stage of the production cycle.

A key feature of the OK-VISE low-profile clamp is its cross-wedge construction in both the horizontal and vertical plane, which means that the clamp is locked firmly in every direction as it is tightened down. This eliminates the possibility of measurement error due to sliding. DK2-VT comes with serrated jaws. The inch model code is DK2-VTI.

The slogan “Small in size – giant in performance” best describes this extremely powerful clamp designed for a M16 socket head screw. The FK2-VT comes with serrated jaws.

Clamps with Machinable Jaws

Single-wedge clamps are also available with extended jaws and can be machined to suit the geometry of the workpiece. The smallest model can be machined up to 3 mm and the larger ones up to 5 mm.

BK2-VT+3 The BK2-VT+3 comes with soft jaws (30-34 HRC) and can be machined to suit the geometry of the workpiece. In this model, each jaw is machinable up to 3 mm without weakening the structure of the jaw itself.
DK2-VT+5 The DK2-VT+5 comes with soft jaws (30-34 HRC) and can be machined to suit the geometry of the workpiece. In this model, each jaw is machinable up to 5 mm without weakening the structure of the jaw itself. The inch model code is DK2-VTI+5.
FK2-VT+5 The FK2-VT+5 comes with soft jaws (30-34 HRC) and can be machined to suit the geometry of the workpiece. In this model, each jaw is machinable up to 5 mm without weakening the structure of the jaw itself.

OK-VISE® Generic Purpose Systems

Multi-Rail RM System

OK-VISE MULTI-RAIL RM System is the best-selling generic purpose system of OK-VISE. Compared to a traditional machine vise, the Multi-Rail system offers the following benefits:

  • Using the components of the system, even the most challenging workpiece types can be machined
  • All sides of a workpiece can be machined with two setups
  • Multiple workpieces can be clamped simultaneously
  • Workpiece will be safely fixtured in all conditions
  • It is also possible to clamp very large workpieces
  • Multi-Rail RM system modules are the most accurate multiple clamping modules on the market, most of them giving 10 micron accuracy
  • Maximum clamping force that can be applied to the base rail is 6 metric tons ( 60 kN)

All modules of the OK-VISE Fixturing Concept are reusable

Therefore, life cycle cost of OK-VISE modules is low so using OK-VISE is a step towards sustainable production. Our Blank System is a system for building Dedicated Fixturing (workpiece-specific fixturing). Normally only one setup of one workpiece can be clamped with these fixtures. A second option for fixturing is to use a Generic-Purpose workholding system. A generic purpose system easily adapts to various workpiece sizes, and the components of these systems can be reused and simply reconfigured for a variety of applications and workpieces. Most fixturing cases can be built using both of these concepts.

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OK-VISE 2020 Products


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